
Thursday May 20, 2021
Pandemic episode #38 Markay Suzanne
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Once again we are blessed with a delightful guest, Markay Suzanne who is a Wellness Coach and a Yoga teacher. She tells us, "my heart work is is to meet people where they are -with an open,receptive and supportive perspective". Markay explains that she," has an immense respect for science and uses both Allopathic (Western) and Ayurvedic (Eastern) nutrition and yoga principles to encourage, educate and empower anyone interested in creating a more holistic and prolific life".
Markay can be reached at: Markaysuzanneyoga.com.

Thursday May 13, 2021
Pandemic episode#37 Rebecca gordon
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Our guest today is Rebecca Gordon, a renowned astrologer and author.
In a recent interview Rebecca said, "...the internet and social media has really democratized astrology." She also explained, "Astrology is really the energy and the poetry of life.It is the correlation between planetary movement and the happenings on earth".
Rebecca can be reached at: rebeccagordonastrology.com

Thursday May 06, 2021
Pandemic episode #36 Penny Lavin
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
Our guest today, Penny Lavin is an Energy Healer and the associate Director of OneLightHealingTouch. She tells us,"...I give private energy healing sessions both Distance and now, also in person." Her husband, Ron Lavin is the founder and director of OLHT which offers training in over 33 holistic, esoteric and shamanistic advanced energy techniques and practices for healing one's self and others. Penny adds,"...I actually found that zoom is a perfect platform for OHLT."
Penny can be reached at: www.olht1.com. and at: pennylavin@gmail.com.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Pandemiepisode #35 Amy Scher
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Our facinating guest for this episode is Amy Scher who is an Energy Therapist.Amy tells us,"The heart of my work is helping people be their happiest,healthiest selves...in times like this, it is more important than ever to release the pressures and perfection we expect from ourselves". To support others during these stressful days, Amy says,"I try to put out as many free resources as I can in terms of videos to follow along with to release emotional energy and calm the body".
Amy can be reached at: amybscher.com.

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Pandemic episode #34 Jessica Snow
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Our guest for this episode is the delightful Jessica Snow who is a Meditative Storyteller. She tells us, "The heart of my work is reconnecting people to their own magic". Jessica has been affected by the pandemic in several ways,"...it has resulted in a significant recalibration of my belief and values. I used to care a little about a lot of things, now I seem to care a lot about a few things".Jessica offers many hours of free content on her web site, including meditations,podcasts, and blog posts because she believes spiritual development is,"our birthright".
Jessica can be reached at: youaremagicla.com.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Pandemic Episode #33 Hope Mirlis
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Our delightful guest, Hope Mirlis is a wedding officiant,yoga teacher and also has a premarital counseling service called Zen Bride.Hope tells us that the work of her heart is,"listening to the needs of my couples and working with them to satisfy those needs whether it be strengthening their relationship or finding ways to celebrate their union".As to the pandemic,, " it took a fewe months for things to start to reopen and fpr couples to re-imagine their weddings".Hope can be reached at: perfectunionny.com.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Pndemic Episode#32 William Kaplanidis
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Our guest,William Kaplanidis is an extraordinary wellness practitioner who offers a fusion of East-West self-help methods. He explains,"my work is to empower people to better understand and transform their body,mind and spirit using self-help methods that are both safe and effective". William's practice includes acupuncture, acupressure,acuformulas,hypnotherapy and aroma therapy, to name a few of his protocols. He calls this the Acudragon Wellness System. Love that name!
William can be reached at: william@acudragon.us.

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Pndemic Episode #31 Janice Zwail
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Our guest,Janice Zwail has been invoved with Shamanic work for two decades. She tells us,"These times have been very stressful, so people have been able,even remotely, to feel the heavy enerhies leaving their bodies. This is called ,Extraction work. I send Devine Light their way and bring back ant parts of them that have fragmented off due to the pandemic.Since the start of the pandemic, I've increased the number of clients who who are learning and practicing the art of the Shamanic Journeying..."
Janice can be reached at: Starluta@gmail.com.

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Pandemic Episode #30 Sara Glancy
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Our guest for this episode is Sara Glancy who is a Public Speaking Coach and the founder of Speak Masterfully. Sara says, "I want to empower folks to find their voice and share their stories". She goes on to tell us, "public speaking is already something that can cause huge anxiety for folks.With everything going virtual, I have found that the prospect of speaking up in a meeting has become even more daunting". In our conversation, Sara offers some tips about becoming less fearful speaking up and having more fun.
Sara can be reached at: Speakmasterfully.com. and at: Sara@speakmasterfully.com

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Pandemic Episode#29 Janice Roven
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Our guest, Janice Roven Esq.is a matrimonial attorney who is known for her strength and her compassion, quite an unusual combination in this field of work.She tells us,"I was a victim of a custody battle...I swore that I would never treat people the way that I was treated during that experience".Janice decided to focus her law practice more on clients needing divorce representation. As she says, "I hold my clients hands through the process if they need it." Janice's own traumatic custody experience has made he,"uniquely qualified" to meet her clients needs both in and out of the court room.