
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
PanPod#18 Jeff Rubin
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Our guest,Jeff Rubin is a teacher of buddhist meditation and brings us some,"good news" in the form of a program he has created called, "Unconditional Healing".He tells us,"unconditional healing is a path, a program and a lifestyle that helps people transform their relationship to pain, adversity and illness and uncover their own storehouse of confidence and resilience ." Jeff explains,"It is based on the premise that al human beings possess a wellspring of unconditional health regardless of their external circumstances."
Jeff can be reached at:

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Our delightful guest for this episode is Basia blonska. Basia, a classically trained flutist has been a professional musician for more than 20 years. She has studied several different modalities of sound healing. Basia is very passionate and committed to bringing sound and it's,"therapeutic effects" to broader audiences. She has presented her sound healing program at the Rubin Museum, the Open Center of NYC and she works with cancer survivors through the You Can Thrive organization.
Basia can be reached at: basiasound.com.

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
In this facinating episode, we meet Amy Geffen who is a Career Coach. She explains,"Career coaching helps people identify Their best skills interests,workplace values to help them figure out their job targets. The pandemic has caused much upheaval in the job seeking world. Amy explains that all interviews are via zoom calls and much of her work focuses on prepping job applicants on how to prepare for and conduct a job interview on zoom". To be of extra service in these trying times,Amy provides," free online webinars through the New york Public Library , Brooklyn College and Savy Ladies".
Amy can be reached at: geffena108@gmail.com.

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
PanPod#15 Jason Sirois
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Our guest, Jason Sirois works for the Anti-Defamation League. He says, "The work of my heart is creating opportunities for people, including myself, to connect across differences". He goes on,"I hold space for white people so we can take inventory of how racism and white supremacy manifest in our lives and explore ways to practice more effective antiracism". Jason also coproduces/hosts, on a volunteer basis, CWC- Constructive White Conversations.org, an organization that states, "we strive to build white antiracist community dedicated to collective liberation.We commit to constructive white conversations that help us understand and challenge racism in ourselves, in others, and in society".
Jason can be reached at : unam2@yahoo.com.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Pn Pod #14 Andrew Appel
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Our guest,Andrew Appel is the founder of Collective Online Healing.He tells us, "we are all healers and like any ability, it is within each of us to varying degrees.Healing energy can also be pooled in a collective way to create something much greater than it's parts." He continues, " Just like a candle flame, the more candles we combine, the greater the amount of light we can generate". Andrew explains,"..every people come together on our zoom call and focus their healing energies on sending forgiveness to everyone, sending continual acceptance and sending love,light,kindness, compassion and gratitude".
Andrew can be reached at:

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Pandemic Pod #13 Ali fischer
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
In a facinating discussion, our guest Ali Fischer who is a movement and bodywork practitioner,tells us, "My mission is facilitating rigorous self reflection through various contemplative movement practices and making these practices , along with witnessing-reflection-intergratuin processes, available for many types of communities". As to the pandemic, ali says, "this year has driven home the clear reality for me that weindeed are not seperate from one another, norare we seperate from Mother Nature".
Ali can be reached ae:

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Pandemic Podcast#12 Dan Cayer
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Our guest,Dan Cayer is a teacher of meditation and of the Alexander Technique. Dan tells us," I am always trying to come back to the present in a non judgmental spirit...allowing rather than criticism and trying to firmly control everything. I experience chronic pain and i find this attitude very healing". He finds home schooling his two children to be very stressful and, I See that my nervous system needs more attention and calming than usual. Dan offers a weekly zoom,"Focus and Relax", by donation, to help others with, "the mind that is spinning in the body that is tensing".On a personal npte,post pandemic he plans, "to do a lot of hugging of my friends".
Dan can be reached at dancayer.co. and at dan@dancayer.co.

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
PanPod#11 Susan Grief
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Susan tells us,"I am an ancestral trauma and relationship expert. I help my clients release old stuck energies that keep them feeling powerless,panicked,paralyzed and in pain.She continues, "As a daughter of Holocaust survivors I'd compare our circumstances (the pandemic) to my parents(the Holocaust) and realize how blessed I am". As the pandemics has worn on, She realizes," we teach what we need to learn so as I am going through my own personal transformation, it helps me offer tools to my clients.. anxiety, depression,strees and trauma is rampant these days for so many".

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Pandemic Episodes #10 Stephen Frantz
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Our guest, Stephen Frantz is an elementary school teacher and a "Secret Gardener".He tells us,"The work of my heart is teaching, I find it to be very fulfilling.That and gardening.The work I've been doingto help is to plant flowers along the embankment of Jersey City on 6th Street. After the pandemic I would hope that other people would join me in planting along the embankment so that it becomes more of a community garden."
Stephen can be reached at

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Pandemic Podcast #9 Johanna Seppalainen
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Our guest,Johanna Seppalainen is a trained Executive coach and an Organizational Psychologist. She tells us,"I offer compassion and hope to those around us with coaching...I know that the sudden transition(the pandemic) was difficult for all of us, so i offered to talk to and help people in organizing their work life,home life,etc.Also,a listening ear to the worries that people have because of the pandemic".
Johanna can be reached at: sepjoh@gmail.com