
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Panpod#48 Nikki Gangemi 8/3/21
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Our guest today is Nikki Gangemi, a Personal Trainer For Your Mind! She tells us, "The work of my heart is teaching people how to be happy no matter what their circumstances may be". She explains, "By changing their self-talk, releasing negative emotions and eliminating limiting beliefs, people can live their life their way and feel good doing it".
Nikki can be reached at:

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Pandemic episode#47, Jack Eppler, 7/27/21
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Our guest for this episode is Jack Eppler who is a professional singer, singing coach and the founder of, The New York City community Chorus. Jack explains, "I created this non audition chorus so that anyone with a desire to sing could have a place to do so". When speaking about the chorus during the pandemic, he told us, "when singing was proclaimed to be the most dangerous method of transmitting the virus, we were forced to to meet virtually, which was devastating.We realized that the community needed to stay together, needed the encouragement, and needed to sing". And so they DID!

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Pandemic episode #46 Kristen Rocha Aldrich 7/20/21
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Our guest this week is the delightful Kristen Rocha Aldrich who is Program Director at ReachOut and Read of greater New York. She tells us, "Reach Out and Read prepares America's youngest children to succeed in school by partnering with doctors to prescribe books and encourage families to read together. We build on the unique relationship between parents and medical providers to develop essential early literacy skills in young children via the existing health infrastructure ".

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Pandemic Episode#45, Melody Joyce,7/13/21
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Our guest,Melody Joyce offers Somatic Sex Education,Hypnosis and professional cuddling. Melody tells us, "all modalities are grounded in consent, clear communications and boundaries. They are trauma informed, and guided by the client's needs and intentions". As she explains, "trust, , safety, consent, credibility and pleasure are essential".She further explains that her mission is, "to help you heal from shame, judgement and trauma and to move toward greater wholeness, pleasure and happiness".

Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Pandemic episode#44 Elena Tedeschi
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Our guest for this episode is Elena Tedeschi is a Chef and the founder of the Well Rooted Kitchen. She tells us, "I help people of all abilities discover their culinary confidence by using cooking as a vessel to teach life skills so that they can live a more fulfilled, independent, and delicious life. I want to equip my students with the tools to be confident and creative, not just behind the stove, but in their lives beyond the kitchen". Elena believes that cooking can be theraputic and,"much like music therapy help people to cope with the stressors and trauma and improve their health and mental health".

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Pandemic Episode#43 Stephani Diimopoulos6/29/21
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Our guest, Stephani Dimopoulos is an educator, an Art teacher and the founder of Dimos Intuitive Arts,Inc. She tells us, " Who we are is a collective group of individuals who all come from different aspects of the wellness industry.We subscribe to the idea, that which I imagine will create and manifest. We believe deeply in, "Cultivating Individual Potential Through Experience" "I come from recognizing the healing power of intuitive painting and spirit painting as well as Reflective Journaling, Yoga and Ayurveda". They are pleased to be able to offer an in-person summer workshop this July 25th-29th at the Lifebridge Sanctuary in Rosedale, N.Y.

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Pandemic Episode #42,Lauren Behrman 6/15
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
In our episode today we learn about the collaborative divorce process that is helping individuals, couples and families through one of life's most stressful transitions. Our guest, Lauren Behrman is a dedicated clinical phycologist who is also a mediator, a collaborative divorce professional and a parenting coordinator. Lauren tells us, "I seek to help divorcing parents sustain a sense of family and protect their children and their childhood memories".
Lauren can be reached at: laurenbehrman@gmail.com.

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Pandemic Episode#41 Francesca Arnoldy
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Our guest,Francesca Arnoldy offers one of the most needed services in today's world. Francesca is a contemplative Doula who provides, " emotional support to people through their Birthing or Dying experience". She also trains others as the program director of the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine's End-of-Life Doula Professional Certificate Program.
In addition,Francesca is a part of a Story Listening Research Project that invites mourners to share their grief stories from the pandemic.
Francesca can be reached at:

Friday Jun 04, 2021
PanEpisode #40 Mike Deutsch, 6/1/21
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Time for a PEP Talk from our guest, Coach Mike.
Mike Deutsch, aka Coach Mike is a fireball coach and founder of Hands on Hoops, a program that teaches "...basketball and transferable skills for ages 2-17...every child who takes the class, learns these skills..teamwork; positive attitude; core basketball skills, using an adjustable backboard". While some classes are conducted over zoom, the majority are held outdoors in small "pods", during winter as wll as during the warmer weather.
To learn more, Coach mike can be reached at:
www.Handsonhoops.com. -handsonhoopsnyv@gmail.com. 347-858-6506

Thursday May 27, 2021
Pandemic Episode#39 Efrat Cohen5/25/21
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
This episode is for all of us who have been spending way too much time on Zoom and are finding that our bodies are very stiff and much less agile than before the pandemic.
Our guest, Efi Cohen is a Physical Therapist who ,"helps people understand why they move the way they move and how to help them move better". Efi tells us, "...you need good listening skills and a sense of humor , both these help support clients, friends and family and allay their symptoms, fears and stress.
Effie can be reached at: www.propostureus.com