
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
PanPodEpisode #28 Karen Gershowitz
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Karen Gershowitz, our guest for today's episode, two focuses as to the work of her heart.The first is as a mentor for Score where she works with entrepreneurs to. " start or build their business and flourish".The second as a "travel fanatic" & travel writer. In her work as a mentor, Karen tells us,"I help people believe that their ideas can become a reality, with planning and hard work". As to her other passion,"Ive traveled to over 90 countries and all the US states and Canadian provinces".
Karen can be reached at: gershowitzkaren@gmail.com.

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
PanPod #27 Davida Perry
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Our guest today is Davida S Perry. She is a dedicated lawyer who, " advocates for employees who have been victimized by discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace".Davida continues, "we say that we stand with silence breakers because we give voice to those who have been impacted". Davida found it necessary to add the middle initial S to her signature as many of the lawyers(male) assumed she her first name was David, not Davida. She tells us, "The pandemic has caused new and different forms of discrimination...for example,working parents with remote learning children and elderly employees, groups fearful of returning to in-person work".
Davida can be reached at: dperry@sphlegal.com.

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
PanPod#26 Harley Breite
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Meet the delightful Harley Breite, a successful criminal defense attorney who devotes a large portion of his life and energy to Harley's Kids. This is a charity which he started 25 years ago to,"improve the lives of the mentally and physically challenged". Harley explains," we have parties every 2 months with75 pizzas,live DJs, two amazing Ballon Experts...we have dancing all night...special guests come and sign autographs and take pictures with the kids". During the pandemic the parties have been on zoom and Harley has helped in other ways. He tells us,"I personally bought and delivered to the group homes, 900 lbs of steak,hamburger and chicken as well as cases of water and paper towels"
Harley can be reached at : harleydbreite@aol.com

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
PanDod#25 Francesca Maxime
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Our guest, Francesca Maxime tells us, "As a somatic psychotherapist and a Mindfulness Meditation teacherI offer people one on one individual support, as well as teachings and volunteer panels and such that I am on that people may be able to access". Francesca says,"as to the pandemic, '...we know that out of every experience that is challenging and effects the collective, we are still part of a larger tapestry where we influence one another and we can still receive, notice and become aware of what is nourishing and supportive".
Francesca can be reached at:

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Panpod#24Dominique Padurano
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Our guest is Dominique Padurano, a teacher and coach and founder of Crimson Coaching.
Dr.P as she is affectionately called, founded Crimson Coaching to,"help students struggling in large classes,as well as those who require added rigor and enrichment beyond yhe scope of bus classroom teachers to provide".Dominique tells us, "The work of my heart is teaching children and, specifically, inspiring then to believe in themselves and their own capacity to learn and grow". She hopes that, "educators and students can take some of the best parts of online learning into the future". She adds,"I wish that the pandemic will finally convince us of the interrelatedness of all communities and states".
Dominique can be reached at: www.crimsoncoaching.com.

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Pan Pod # 23 Sarah Helt
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
I have the pleasure of attending a brief,weekly,accessible yoga class led by our guest, Sarah Helt. She is a yoga and mindfulness teacher whose work of her heart is, "Bringing yoga and mindfulness principles to all people at all levels of ability and experience". She explains, "I like to spread joy through movement,breathing,and calming the mind". Sarah offers live zoom classes on an optional donation basis or, "pay later" in order to accomodate those hurting financially during this pandemic.
Sarah can be reached at:

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
PanPod episode#22RDChin
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Our delightful guest is RD Chin who tells us,"I am a FengShui Architect who loves to help people change their lives through their spaces".RDis hosting a daily meditation/support group,"Bells of Hope With RD"He explains, "I began this group in April 2020 and it has evolved intoa lovely,safe space for everyone to share their feelings and concerns". Rd begins each session asking, "what are you grateful for today?" He Closes with a guided meditation.
RD can be reached at:rdchin@mac.com or by text at 917-669-8099

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Pandemic Episode#21LauraLagano
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Our guest for this episode is Laura Lagano,a registered Dietitian,Nutritionist and a Holistic Cannabis Practitioner. Laura cofounded the Holistic Cannabis Academy (holisticcanna.com)HCA is the only online cannabis education program that integrates cannabis with other holistic modalities including nutrition,meditation,yoga and aroma therapy.
Laura tells us that the work of her heart is,"ridding the world of Canna-phobia" She points out that,"more people are using hemp derived CBD and Medical Marijuana during this pandemic to ease the anxiety of isolation and insomnia".
Laura can be reached at: laura@lauralagano.com.

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Christina Heike offering her clients,New Directions Therapy.She tells us, "NDT releases ancestral trauma. Our physical body remembers all emotions connected to life events,traumatic ones create an energy blockage on a cellular level. NDT accesses these blockages with the help of applied kinesiology...self-forgiveness is at its core...and enables us to be fully present". In response to the pandemic, Christina has temporarily relocated to Europe to be closer to her family. She has opened up 7 "pay as you can"spots to accommodate who now have less income due to the pandemic.
Christina can be reached at:
Via text at 646-920-5827.

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Today I had the pleasure of meeting with Roger Nolan a mindfulness-Based Psychotherapist. I have been attendingRoger's weekday zoom meditation group since last April where I have experienced compassion,calm and insight, an excellent antidote to the stress of the pandemic .
roger tells us that, "The work of my heart is to help others to alleviate or minimize the suffering they needlessly cause themselves". He has been offering this online meditation class Monday-Friday since March 17,2020. ther is no charge, donations are appreciated.The community/group has grown to over 70 participants from all corners of this country and abroad.
Roger can be reached at: rogernolantherapy@hotmail.com.